But Lennon was only one of the music celebrities on Graeme Thomson's list. Here are a few more:
Kanye West
His late mother compared him to 'Gandhi, Jesus Christ, people whose job it is to tell the truth'. Apparently approving, West posed in a crown of thorns (above) for the cover of Rolling Stone....
Marilyn Manson
'I believe I am God,' growled the pantomime overlord of industrial goth-rock. But not in a good way, oh no....
Sang 'Live to Tell' in a thorny crown while being 'crucified', claiming: 'If Jesus were alive today he'd be doing the same thing.' If you say so, Madge....
Flag-waver, peace-bringer, famine-fighter, Pope-pal, international conscience and example to us all. Need we say more?...
Michael Jackson
His Messianic mania at the 1996 Brits prompted Jarvis Cocker to proffer his arse in drunken disgust.
To be fair to Bono, he has admitted his own subservience to Christ and his own sinfulness. I think.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago